Prayer Intentions for Palm Sunday

by | Apr 4, 2020

For the Church:

That we may strive to have the same mind as Christ as we offer our lives in loving service to others.  We pray to the loard, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For courage:

That God’s love will sustain us in times of suffering and rejection, and help us to trust in God’s providence each day.  We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For the Elect and the Candidates for Full Communion:

That they may enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s unconditional love.  We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all the human family:

That God will deliver us from the Covid-19 virus, keep safe all who are vulnerable to the disease, and protect all healthcare workers who are serving thos who are ill. We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all who are ill, particularly those with the Covid-19 virus:

That God’s healing Spirit will ease their suffering, free them from the virus, and restore them to full health. We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all scientists and researchers:

That God will guide and inspire their work as they seek to relieve the suffering of the sick and to develop a new vaccines and treatments.  We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all who have experienced abandonment, betrayal, or rejection:

That God’s Spirit will comfort them, help them to hold fast to the truth, and them to new communities. We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For leaders of government and business:

That through the example of Jesus, they may recognize how to be servant leaders and give priority to the needs of the most vulnerable.  We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all who have become unemployed:

That God will quickly end the virus, open new opportunities for them, and help them find the assistance which they need to sustain themselves and their families. We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all who are grieving:

That God will comfort them, bring supportive people to accompany them, and fill their hearts with peace.  We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”

For all who have died, particularly those who had Covid-19:

That they may live forever in the peace and joy of God’s presence.  We pray to the Lord, “Lord, hear our prayer.”